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Year 4

Welcome to Year 4!


Miss Nelson - 

Mrs Tomkinson - 

Look at all of our amazing learning in year 4...

Summer term 

Worcester Commandery Visit 

We visited the Commandery in Worcester to learn more about the English Civil war and The Battle of Worcester! We explored the invasion tactics used, the different armies and even visited the famous Fort Royal!

City Walls Walk

We completed a guided tour of Worcester to learn about Worcester's involvement in the English Civil War and The Battle of Worcester. Did you know that King Charles II used Worcester Cathedral to look out for the invading Parliamentarian army and Oliver Cromwell?

Hindu Temple Visit

Year 4's visit to Shri Venkateswara (Balaji) Temple. We learnt all about Hindism in the Autumn term so decided to visit a Hindu temple to consolidate our knowledge on Hindusim. We discussed the different Hindu deities and Hindu festivals. As well as this, we learnt about worship practices. We had the most amazing time!

Spring term

Church visit 

We visited our local church St Martin's to learn more about baptism. Reverend Peter showed the children how a baptsim works and talked through the different parts of the church. He even did a pretend baptism with some of the children, to show them the different stages. 


Year 4 have enjoyed learning about the Vikings so far, by finding out all about their wild invasion and attacking tactics. They could even compare these tactics to those of the Romans, which they explored in year 3. 

The children had a visit from the history man and loved to learn all about Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. 

Autumn term

Baking biscuits

We have been baking biscuits as part of our DT project. We initially baked a basic biscuit recipe and then adapted it to create our own biscuit recipe. We persevered with our independence as well as following instructions carefully!


Anglo Saxons

Year 4 have loved our introduction to the Anglo Saxons. We have looked at timelines to draw comparisons between other historical periods and also acted as archaeologists looking at the Sutton Hoo artefacts.


Science-Digestive system

This half term we have been studying the digestive system. We have learned the organs and set up a practical experiment to see how the enzymes and organs absorb the nutrients and water to create a waste product. The children loved making their own poo


Severn Trent visited us to do a 'Hydration heroes' workshop. The children loved dressing up with the different organs and learning how water is needed to keep us hydrated!



We were visited by Adhya's mum who taught us all about Hinduism. She shared her beliefs, way of life, clothing and Hindu stories. The children were fascinated and asked some insightful questions!



In maths, we have been using place value counters to support our concrete understanding of place value, addition and subtraction.