Year 3
Welcome to Year 3!
Miss Guyatt - Mrs Reece -
Autumn Term 1
Curriculum Knowledge
Focus text: 'The Hodgeheg' by Dick King Smith
Focus text: Nell and the Circus of Dreams by Nell Gifford
Writing skills focus: Descriptive writing to create a setting description of Nell's circus of dreams. As well as, retelling part of the story using direct speech.
Skills focus: Place value, addition and subtraction
For further information regarding the foundation subjects, please see the Autumn 1 Red Hill Riches.
Enrichment Opportunities
We will be visiting Bennetts Farm for a Geography trip to support our learning on 'How does my food travel from farm to fork?'
3CG - Tuesday 24th September
3CR - Thursday 26th September
Parent Stay and Share - Thursday 10th October 1:45pm, for a lesson based around our Art topic of Andy Goldsworthy. It will be based outside as we will be creating artwork using natural resources. Parents will need to wear something suitable for being outdoors.
Further information
PE days are Tuesday and Wednesday - please send your child into school in the appropriate PE kit.
Water bottles need to be brought into school daily - please ensure these are labelled.