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Year 1

Contact us:

1HT - Miss Thomas

1CR - Mrs Reason



We enjoy reading for pleasure throughout the week in our book corner, in the classroom and at the library. We love taking books home from the library and changing them each week. We read as part of our guided reading lessons every day and enjoy reading our books to adults in school. We aim to change library books on Tuesday but they can be swapped any day with a book from our book corner. Bug Club books will be changed every Thursday unless otherwise notified. Please ensure all books are in school each day so that we can read 1:1 with your child when we have volunteers and staff available. 


We begin the autumn term, exploring and writing independent sentences using the book 'Aaaargh Spider' by Lydia Monks. Our focus is on ensuring that capital letters, finger spaces and full stops are consistent. 

Reflections of a Crazy Library Lady: #365PictureBooks 25. Aaaarrgghh ...


In autumn term, year 1 explore the place value of numbers to 10. The children sort objects into groups, represent numbers using manipulatives and explore the concepts of one more, one less, greater than, less than and equal to. Once solid in their understanding, we move on to exploring addition and subtraction. 


Year 1 begin their learning in History by exploring the concept of past and present, looking at a timeline of their lives so far. The children explore how they have changed over time and the sequence of events in their life. We explore our family trees and represent our families in this way, before looking at the family tree of King Charles III. 


We are learning about animals including humans in science, beginning with naming and labelling the parts of a human body.

Enrichment in Year 1

French Day! We created French flags, learnt French colours and numbers, ate croissants, built and sketched French monuments and crafted sunflowers from the famous sunflower fields in Provence which inspired Vincent Van Gogh.