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Science Event Gallery

Science Fair 2024

Over 70 children took part in their year's science fair, creating their very own scientific enquiries and presenting them to the whole school. We couldn't have been prouder of how well the children did and how creative the science experiments were! Here's a little snap shot of some of the incredible experiments on offer!





Space Night 2024

Space Night 2024 was a huge success! We had clear skies to clearly see the moon and Jupiter and had lots of fun creating our own constellations within tents and using VR to explore the planets!



Whole School Biscuit Experiment

Miss Thomas and Mrs Price couldn't decide which biscuit was best for dunking, so they set the school a challenge. Create a fair test to see which was best for dunking!

Year 1 concluded that shortbread could be dunked over 300 times, Year 3 concluded that chocolate digestives could be dunked over 100 times and chocolate biscuits were better than plain. Well done team!





Year 5 Space Night 2023

Year 5 loved our Space Night in January! We got the chance to partner up with our STEM Ambassador and another local school to explore the night sky using telescopes, planetary apps and VR technology!

We love space!