Religious Visits
Year 4 Hindu Temple
Year 4 visited a Hindu temple to consolidate their understanding of Hinduism and see worship in practice.
Year 6 Remembrance
Year 6 worked closely with St Martin's Church to create poppies for their Remembrance Garden. The children visited the church, 'planted' the poppies and took part in an important Remembrance Service.
February 2024
Year 1 visited Tallow Hill Mosque to explore the features of a mosque and to explore the Muslim faith.
May 2023
Year 2 loved visiting our local church. They learned all about the different parts of the church and Father Peter did an amazing job of guiding them around.
Eid Day
Mrs Ali and Mrs Hussain led an incredible collective worship today, telling us all about Eid.
The children loved it and asked a variety of questions!
Hindu visit in Year 4
We were lucky enough to be visited in year 4 by a Hindu parent who taught us everything we needed to know about the religion. We discussed Hindu beliefs, way of life, clothing and stories. The children were fascinated and asked some really insightfl questions.
Diwali Day- November 2023
To learn about and celebrate Diwali, the whole school took part in Diwali day. It included a guest dancer who taught us all about Diwali and gave each class a dance workshop. Children in classes studied the story of Rama and Sita, created frieze frames, studied art depictions of the story, created Rangoli patterns, built diva lamps and tasted samosas! It was a fantastic day had by all!
Year 5 organ workshop at church
Year 5 had a fantastic time participating in the organ workshop at our local church. They learned about all musical instruments used during worship.