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Welcome to Reception Class 


Mrs Reason  

Miss Lucy Jones 

Welcome to Reception!



Learning in the Spring Term and stepping into the Summer Term.

What a fabulous Spring Term we have had with the children, learning all about "Super Scientists" and "Our Wonderful World". Take a look at some of the learning below:


We are stepping into Summer Term where we are focusing on the topics "Amazing Animals" and "Dangers and Delights of the Sea".


In RE, our key questions this term include "Which places are special and why?" and "Which stories are special and why?"


In maths, we are focusing on numbers beyond 10 and deepening our understanding of numbers by practising addition and subtraction. We will also focus on numerical patterns including doubling, grouping, odd and even numbers.

English and phonics

We are promoting independent writing in English by encouraging children to write sentences with little support from an adult. To do this, the children will be revisiting and embedding their Phase 2, 3 and 4 knowledge to support this.