Protected Characteristics
In the Equality Act 2010, nine characteristics were identified as ‘protected characteristics’. These are the characteristics where evidence shows there is still significant discrimination in employment, provision of goods and services and access to services such as education and health.
Each month, we focus on a specific Protective Characteristic within our Collective Worships and give examples of each through reading opportunities and discussion.
September 2024 Focus- Disability
Throughout the month of September, we will be celebrating disability through a range of stories and examples. Please find below some stories to share with your children at home to continue to conversation.
The Girl Who Thought in Pictures - YouTube
What Happened to You? - YouTube
Benny Doesn’t Like To Be Hugged Read By Yusuf - YouTube
October 2024 focus- Age
During collective worship, we will be looking closely at prejudice around age. We will explore lots of people who are older in age and have amazed us as well as young children changing the world already!. We consider how we will respect people of all ages moving forwards. (The old woman who named things) (Miss Tizzy) (The Tide)
November/December 2024 focus- Religion of Belief
During our collective worships this month, we are focusing on different religions and predominantly the clothing of different religions. Children have explored this through the following stories: Now Noor) (The Proudest Blue) (The Swirling Hijab
January 2024 Focus- Pregnancy and Maternity
Within our collective worship, children will explore the rights women have for pregnancy and maternity in the UK.
They will be read the story 'Waiting for Baby'
Previous Protected Characteristics of the month...
Marriage and Civil Partnership
Throughout the month of July, we are focussing on 'Marriage and Civil Partnership'. The children in class celebrated how each of our families are different and that should be celebrated.
The children have explored a variety of books about this, some of which can be found below.
Bedtime Stories | Sue Perkins reads The Pirate Mums 🏴☠️ | CBeebies - YouTube
My Moms Love Me - Anna Membrino - YouTube
Pearl Power & the Girl with Two Dads | A story about Family & Parenting - YouTube
Sexual Orientation
Throughout the month of June, we will focus on the Protected Characteristic of 'Sexual Orientation'. This has been explored at a whole school level through the book 'Pearl Power-The girl with 2 dads' which you can watch below.
Pearl Power & the Girl with Two Dads | A story about Family & Parenting - YouTube
It has also been further explored at an age appropriate level during class worship through the following texts:
Stephen Fry reads Nen and The Lonely Fisherman. - YouTube
My Shadow is Pink | Animated Short Film by Scott Stuart - YouTube
Grandad’s Camper - Read Aloud Stories with Representation - YouTube
Throughout the months of April/May, we will focus on the Protected Characteristic of 'Gender'.
We have read the following books through collective worships and links can be found at:
Pearl Power by Hopster - YouTube
My Shadow is Pink | Animated Short Film by Scott Stuart - YouTube
Throughout the month of March, we will focus on the Protected Characteristic of 'Race'.
We have read the following books through our collective worships and links can be found at:
'Tusk Tusk 'by David Mc Kee/ Read by Teacher, Jaki - YouTube
Hair Love | Read Aloud Story Time | Shon's Stories - YouTube
Faber Booktime: Hannah Lee & Allen Fatimaharan, My Hair - YouTube